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154 statements
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1import os
2import logging
3import timeit
5import gmsh
6import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7import matplotlib.patches as patches
8import numpy as np
9from scipy.interpolate import griddata
10import matplotlib
11import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
13from fiqus.mains.MainPancake3D import Base
14from fiqus.utils.Utils import GmshUtils
15from fiqus.parsers.ParserGetDPTimeTable import ParserGetDPTimeTable
16from fiqus.parsers.ParserGetDPOnSection import ParserGetDPOnSection
18logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
21class TimeSeriesData:
22 def __init__(
23 self, timeValues, values, quantityName, units, title=None, fileName=None
24 ):
25 """ """
26 self.t = timeValues
27 self.values = values
28 self.quantityName = quantityName
29 self.units = units
30 self.title = title
31 self.fileName = fileName
33 def plot(self, dir):
34 plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 10})
36 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5.95, 3))
37 ax.plot(self.t, self.values, marker="o")
38 ax.set_xlabel(f"Time (s)")
39 ax.set_ylabel(f"{self.quantityName} ({self.units})")
40 if self.title:
41 ax.set_title(self.title)
43 # Save the plot:
44 if self.fileName is None:
45 quantityName = self.quantityName.replace(" ", "_")
46 filePath = os.path.join(dir, f"{quantityName}_TimeSeriesPlot.pdf")
47 else:
48 filePath = os.path.join(dir, f"{self.fileName}_TimeSeriesPlot.pdf")
50 plt.savefig(filePath, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0)
51 plt.close("all")
54class MagneticField:
55 def __init__(
56 self,
57 pointsForMagnitudes,
58 magnitudes,
59 pointsForVectors,
60 vectors,
61 units,
62 title=None,
63 interpolationMethod="linear",
64 colormap="jet",
65 planeNormal=None,
66 ):
67 self.pointsForMagnitudes = pointsForMagnitudes
68 self.magnitudes = magnitudes
69 self.pointsForVectors = pointsForVectors
70 self.vectors = vectors
71 self.units = units
72 self.title = title
73 self.interpolationMethod = interpolationMethod
74 self.colormap = colormap
75 self.planeNormal = planeNormal
77 def plot(self, dir, streamlines=True):
78 start_time = timeit.default_timer()
79"Plotting {self.title} has been started.")
80 plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 10})
83 points = self.pointsForMagnitudes
84 magnitudes = self.magnitudes
86 xArray = points[:, 0]
87 yArray = points[:, 1]
89 cropFactorVertical = 0.75
90 cropFactorHorizontal = 0.66
91 num_of_grid_points_in_y = 90
93 # Put parsed values on a grid:
94 aspectRatio = (xArray.max() - xArray.min()) / (yArray.max() - yArray.min())
95 xLinSpace = np.linspace(
96 xArray.min() * cropFactorHorizontal,
97 xArray.max() * cropFactorHorizontal,
98 round(num_of_grid_points_in_y * aspectRatio),
99 )
100 yLinSpace = np.linspace(
101 yArray.min() * cropFactorVertical,
102 yArray.max() * cropFactorVertical,
103 num_of_grid_points_in_y,
104 )
105 grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xLinSpace, yLinSpace)
106 grid_z = griddata(points, magnitudes, (grid_x, grid_y), method="linear")
108 # Then interpolate the grid values:
109 grid_points = np.array([grid_x.flatten(), grid_y.flatten()]).T
110 grid_values = grid_z.flatten()
111 xLinSpace = np.linspace(
112 xArray.min() * cropFactorHorizontal,
113 xArray.max() * cropFactorHorizontal,
114 round(num_of_grid_points_in_y * aspectRatio) * 6,
115 )
116 yLinSpace = np.linspace(
117 yArray.min() * cropFactorVertical,
118 yArray.max() * cropFactorVertical,
119 num_of_grid_points_in_y * 6,
120 )
121 grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xLinSpace, yLinSpace)
122 grid_z = griddata(
123 grid_points,
124 grid_values,
125 (grid_x, grid_y),
126 method=self.interpolationMethod,
127 )
129 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5.95, 4.165))
131 # cs = ax.contourf(
132 # grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, cmap=matplotlib.colormaps[self.colormap], levels=np.linspace(0, 0.8, 16)
133 # )
134 cs = ax.imshow(
135 grid_z,
136 cmap=matplotlib.colormaps[self.colormap],
137 extent=[
138 xArray.min() * cropFactorHorizontal * 1000,
139 xArray.max() * cropFactorHorizontal * 1000,
140 yArray.min() * cropFactorVertical * 1000,
141 yArray.max() * cropFactorVertical * 1000,
142 ],
143 origin="lower",
144 aspect="auto",
145 )
146 ax.set_aspect("equal")
147 ax.set_xlabel("x (mm)")
148 ax.set_ylabel("z (mm)")
150 fig.colorbar(
151 cs,
152 ax=ax,
153 label=f"Magnitude of the Magnetic Field ({self.units})",
154 location="bottom",
155 )
157 # # Create a Rectangle patch for each coil:
158 # rect1 = patches.Rectangle((5.0e-3*1000, -4.042e-3/2*1000), 120.0e-6*60*1000, 4.042e-3*1000, linewidth=2, edgecolor='k', facecolor='none')
159 # rect2 = patches.Rectangle((-5.0e-3*1000, -4.042e-3/2*1000), -120.0e-6*60*1000, 4.042e-3*1000, linewidth=2, edgecolor='k', facecolor='none')
160 # # Add the patch to the Axes
161 # ax.add_patch(rect1)
162 # ax.add_patch(rect2)
164 if streamlines:
165 points = self.pointsForVectors
166 vectors = self.vectors
167 uValues = vectors[:, 0]
168 vValues = vectors[:, 1]
169 grid_u = griddata(
170 points, uValues, (grid_x, grid_y), method=self.interpolationMethod
171 )
172 grid_v = griddata(
173 points, vValues, (grid_x, grid_y), method=self.interpolationMethod
174 )
176 ax.streamplot(
177 grid_x * 1000,
178 grid_y * 1000,
179 grid_u,
180 grid_v,
181 color="white",
182 linewidth=0.8,
183 density=1.0,
184 )
186 if self.title:
187 ax.set_title(self.title)
189 # Save the plot:
190 time = self.title.split(" ")[-2]
191 plotFileName = os.path.join(
192 dir, f"Magnetic_Field_On_A_Cut_Plane_at_{time}_s.pdf"
193 )
194 plt.savefig(plotFileName, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0)
195 plt.close("all")
196 end_time = timeit.default_timer()
197 time_span = end_time - start_time
198"Plotting {self.title} has been finished in {time_span:.2f} s.")
201class Postprocess(Base):
202 def __init__(
203 self,
204 fdm,
205 geom_folder,
206 mesh_folder,
207 solution_folder,
208 ) -> None:
209 super().__init__(fdm, geom_folder, mesh_folder, solution_folder)
211 def plotTimeSeriesPlots(self):
212 start_time = timeit.default_timer()
213"Plotting time series plots has been started.")
215 for timeSeriesPlot in self.pp.timeSeriesPlots:
216 filePath = os.path.join(
217 self.solution_folder, timeSeriesPlot.fileName + "-TimeTableFormat.csv"
218 )
220 if hasattr(timeSeriesPlot, 'position'):
221 if hasattr(timeSeriesPlot.position, 'turnNumber'):
222 title = (
223 f"{timeSeriesPlot.quantityProperName} at turn"
224 f" {timeSeriesPlot.position.turnNumber}"
225 )
226 else:
227 title = (
228 f"{timeSeriesPlot.quantityProperName} at"
229 f" ({timeSeriesPlot.position.x}, {timeSeriesPlot.position.y},"
230 f" {timeSeriesPlot.position.z})"
231 )
232 else:
233 title = f"{timeSeriesPlot.quantityProperName}"
235 # Parse data:
236 parser = ParserGetDPTimeTable(filePath)
237 timeValues = parser.time_values
238 scalarvalues = parser.get_equivalent_scalar_values()
240 if parser.data_type == "vector":
241 title = title + " (Magnitudes of 3D Vectors)"
243 elif parser.data_type == "tensor":
244 title = title + " (Von Misses Equivalents of Rank 2 Tensors)"
246 data = TimeSeriesData(
247 timeValues=timeValues,
248 values=scalarvalues,
249 quantityName=timeSeriesPlot.quantityProperName,
250 units=timeSeriesPlot.units,
251 title=title,
252 )
253 data.plot(dir=self.solution_folder)
255 end_time = timeit.default_timer()
256 time_span = end_time - start_time
258 f"Plotting time series plots has been finished in {time_span:.2f} s."
259 )
261 if self.python_postprocess_gui:
262 gmsh.initialize()
263 gmsh.option.setNumber("Geometry.Volumes", 0)
264 gmsh.option.setNumber("Geometry.Surfaces", 0)
265 gmsh.option.setNumber("Geometry.Curves", 0)
266 gmsh.option.setNumber("Geometry.Points", 0)
267 posFiles = [
268 fileName
269 for fileName in os.listdir(self.solution_folder)
270 if fileName.endswith(".pos")
271 ]
272 for posFile in posFiles:
273, posFile))
275 = GmshUtils(self.solution_folder)
277 gmsh.finalize()
279 def plotMagneticFieldOnCutPlane(self):
280 start_time = timeit.default_timer()
281"Parsing magnetic field on the cut plane has been started.")
283 magnitudeFilePath = os.path.join(
284 self.solution_folder, "magneticFieldOnCutPlaneMagnitude-DefaultFormat.pos"
285 )
286 vectorFilePath = os.path.join(
287 self.solution_folder, "magneticFieldOnCutPlaneVector-DefaultFormat.pos"
288 )
290 magnitudeParser = ParserGetDPOnSection(
291 magnitudeFilePath, data_type="scalar", depth=1
292 )
293 magnitudeParser.project_values_on_a_plane(
294 plane_normal=self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.planeNormal,
295 plane_x_axis_unit_vector=self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.planeXAxisUnitVector,
296 )
298 if self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.streamLines:
299 vectorParser = ParserGetDPOnSection(
300 vectorFilePath, data_type="vector", depth=1
301 )
302 vectorParser.project_values_on_a_plane(
303 plane_normal=self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.planeNormal,
304 plane_x_axis_unit_vector=self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.planeXAxisUnitVector,
305 )
307 end_time = timeit.default_timer()
308 time_span = end_time - start_time
310 "Parsing magnetic field on the cut plane has been finished in"
311 f" {time_span:.2f} s."
312 )
313 for timeStep in range(2, len(magnitudeParser.time_values)):
314 time = magnitudeParser.time_values[timeStep]
315 if (
316 self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.timesToBePlotted is None
317 or time in self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.timesToBePlotted
318 ):
319 magnitudePoints = magnitudeParser.points
320 magnitudes = magnitudeParser.get_values_at_time_step(timeStep)
321 vectorPoints = vectorParser.points
322 vectors = vectorParser.get_values_at_time_step(timeStep)
324 magneticFieldOnCutPlane = MagneticField(
325 pointsForMagnitudes=magnitudePoints,
326 magnitudes=magnitudes,
327 pointsForVectors=vectorPoints,
328 vectors=vectors,
329 units="T",
330 title=(
331 "Magnetic Field On Plane"
332 f" {self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.planeNormal[0]}x + "
333 f" {self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.planeNormal[1]}y + "
334 f" {self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.planeNormal[2]}z = 0 at"
335 f" {time:.2f} s"
336 ),
337 interpolationMethod=self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.interpolationMethod,
338 colormap=self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.colormap,
339 planeNormal=self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.planeNormal,
340 )
341 magneticFieldOnCutPlane.plot(
342 dir=self.solution_folder,
343 streamlines=self.pp.magneticFieldOnCutPlane.streamLines,
344 )