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95 statements
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1import os
2from operator import le, ge
4import numpy as np
5import pandas as pd
6import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
8from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
10from fiqus.geom_generators.GeometryCCT import Winding, FQPL
13class PlotPythonCCT:
14 def __init__(self, fdm, verbose=True):
15 """
16 Class to cct models postprocessing
17 :param fdm: FiQuS data model
18 :param verbose: If True more information is printed in python console.
19 """
20 self.cctdm = fdm.magnet
21 self.model_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd())
22 self.magnet_name = fdm.general.magnet_name
24 self.verbose = verbose
25 # = GmshUtils(self.model_folder, self.verbose)
26 #
28 def plot_elements_file(self, lfes=None):
29 field_map_3D_csv = 'field_map_3D.csv'
30 df = pd.read_csv(field_map_3D_csv, delimiter=',', engine='python')
31 sAvePositions = df['sAvePositions [m]'].to_numpy(dtype='float')[:-1] # [:-1] to remove last nan
32 ph_order = df['nodeToPhysicalTurn [-]'].to_numpy(dtype='int')[:-1] # physical turns, [:-1] to remove last nan
33 el_order = df['nodeToHalfTurn [-]'].to_numpy(dtype='int')[:-1] # electric order turns, [:-1] to remove last nan
34 x3Dsurf_1 = df['x3Dsurf 1 [m]'].to_numpy(dtype='float')
35 y3Dsurf_1 = df['y3Dsurf 1 [m]'].to_numpy(dtype='float')
36 z3Dsurf_1 = df['z3Dsurf 1 [m]'].to_numpy(dtype='float')
37 el_order_unique = np.unique(el_order)
39 per_turn = False
41 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
42 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d', proj_type='ortho')
44 if per_turn:
45 colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, np.shape(el_order_unique)[0]))
46 for idx_turn, el_u in enumerate(el_order_unique.tolist()):
47 indexes = np.where(el_u == el_order)[0]
48 min_idx=np.min(indexes)
49 max_idx=np.max(indexes+2)
50 ax.plot(x3Dsurf_1[min_idx:max_idx], y3Dsurf_1[min_idx:max_idx], z3Dsurf_1[min_idx:max_idx], color=colors[idx_turn])
51 else:
52 ax.plot(x3Dsurf_1, y3Dsurf_1, z3Dsurf_1)
53 # colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, np.shape(x3Dsurf_1)[0]))
54 # # ax.plot(x3Dsurf_1, y3Dsurf_1, z3Dsurf_1)
56 # for idx in range(np.shape(x3Dsurf_1)[0]-1):
57 # ax.plot([x3Dsurf_1[idx], x3Dsurf_1[idx+1]], [y3Dsurf_1[idx], y3Dsurf_1[idx+1]], [z3Dsurf_1[idx], z3Dsurf_1[idx+1]], color=colors[idx])
58 # xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
59 # #colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(objects_list)))
60 # ax.set_box_aspect((xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin)) # set axis to data aspect ratio
61 # ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
62 # ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
63 # ax.set_zlim([zmin, zmax])
64 ax.set_xlabel('x (m)')
65 ax.set_ylabel('y (m)')
66 ax.set_zlabel('z (m)')
67 ax.view_init(elev=90, azim=0, vertical_axis='x')
69 pass
71 def plot_elements_computed(self, lfes=None):
72 """
73 Makes a plot oh hexahedra by calculating 'on the fly' what is defined in the yaml data model for cct magnet.
74 :param lfes: list with numbers of elements to put text labels on. For two windings an example would be [[3], [9]] to plot 3rd hex in the first winding and 9th in the second
75 :return: Nothing. A matplotlib graph pops up on the screen.
76 """
78 windings = []
79 fqpls = []
80 for ww, _ in enumerate(self.cctdm.geometry.windings.names):
81 winding_obj = Winding(self.cctdm, ww, post_proc=True)
82 windings.append(winding_obj)
83 for ff, _ in enumerate(self.cctdm.geometry.fqpls.names):
84 fqpl_obj = FQPL(self.cctdm, ff)
85 fqpls.append(fqpl_obj)
86 objects_list = windings + fqpls
87 if not lfes:
88 lfes = [[] for _ in objects_list] # make it work if lfes is not supplied as input.
90 def val_check(var, array, oper, func):
91 new = func(array)
92 if oper(new, var):
93 return new
94 else:
95 return var
97 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
98 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d', proj_type='ortho')
99 xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
100 colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(objects_list)))
101 for obj, lfe, fc in zip(objects_list, lfes, colors):
102 xs = []
103 ys = []
104 zs = []
105 hexes = obj.hexes
106 vts = obj.vertices_to_surf
107 for elem_num, points_dict in hexes.items():
108 list_of_coor_tuples = []
109 points_dict.pop('ct', None) # removing turn from dict
110 for p_num, p_coords in points_dict.items():
112 list_of_coor_tuples.append((p_coords['x'], p_coords['y'], p_coords['z']))
113 if elem_num in lfe:
114 ax.scatter(p_coords['x'], p_coords['y'], p_coords['z'])
115 ax.text(p_coords['x'], p_coords['y'], p_coords['z'], f'{p_num}', zdir='z')
116 for coor_acc, coor_key in zip([xs, ys, zs], ['x', 'y', 'z']):
117 coor_acc.append(p_coords[coor_key])
118 poly3d = [[list_of_coor_tuples[vts[ix][iy]] for iy in range(len(vts[0]))] for ix in range(len(vts))]
119 ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection(poly3d, edgecolors='k', facecolors=fc, linewidths=0.5, alpha=0.5))
120 xmin = val_check(xmin, xs, le, np.min)
121 xmax = val_check(xmax, xs, ge, np.max)
122 ymin = val_check(ymin, ys, le, np.min)
123 ymax = val_check(ymax, ys, ge, np.max)
124 zmin = val_check(zmin, zs, le, np.min)
125 zmax = val_check(zmax, zs, ge, np.max)
126 ax.set_box_aspect((xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin)) # set axis to data aspect ratio
127 ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
128 ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
129 ax.set_zlim([zmin, zmax])
130 ax.set_xlabel('x (m)')
131 ax.set_ylabel('y (m)')
132 ax.set_zlabel('z (m)')
133 ax.view_init(elev=90, azim=0, vertical_axis='x')