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1import numpy as np
3import re
4import math
5from typing import Literal
8class ParserGetDPOnSection:
9 """
10 This class parses GetDP's TimeTable format output files.
11 """
13 def __init__(self, filePath, data_type: Literal["scalar", "vector"], depth):
14 self.time_values = []
15 self.data_type = data_type
16 self.depth = depth
18 if self.depth not in [0, 1]:
19 raise NotImplementedError("Only depth = 0 and depth = 1 is implemented.")
21 # Check GMSH documentation for object types:
22 if self.depth == 0:
23 if self.data_type == "scalar":
24 lineName = "SP" # scalar point
25 elif self.data_type == "vector":
26 lineName = "VP" # vector point
27 elif self.depth == 1:
28 if self.data_type == "scalar":
29 lineName = "ST"
30 elif self.data_type == "vector":
31 lineName = "VT"
33 # Parse data:
34 with open(filePath) as file:
35 data =
37 time_values_line ="TIME\{(.*)\}", data)[0]
38 time_values = re.findall(r"TIME\{(.*)\}", time_values_line)
39 self.time_values = [
40 float(time_value) for time_value in time_values[0].split(",")
41 ]
42 data = data.replace(time_values_line, "")
44 points = re.findall(lineName + r"\((.*)\){.*\..*}", data)
45 points = [point.split(",") for point in points]
46 self.points = np.array(points, dtype=float)
48 if self.depth == 1:
49 length = np.shape(self.points)[1]
50 step = int(length / 3)
51 self.points = (
52 self.points[:, 0:step]
53 + self.points[:, step : 2 * step]
54 + self.points[:, 2 * step : 3 * step]
55 ) / 3
57 values = re.findall(lineName + r"\(.*\){(.*\..*)}", data)
58 values = [value.split(",") for value in values]
59 self.values = np.array(values, dtype=float)
61 if self.depth == 1:
62 length = np.shape(self.values)[1]
63 step = int(length / 3)
64 self.values = (
65 self.values[:, 0:step]
66 + self.values[:, step : 2 * step]
67 + self.values[:, 2 * step : 3 * step]
68 ) / 3
70 # Somehow, even with depth 0, we get duplicate magnitudes for different points.
71 # We need to remove them for better plotting:
72 _, unique_indices = np.unique(
73 self.values[:, np.shape(self.values)[1] // 2], return_index=True
74 )
75 self.values = self.values[unique_indices, :]
76 self.points = self.points[unique_indices, :]
78 def get_values_at_time(self, time):
79 """
80 Returns the values at the specified time.
81 """
82 if self.points.shape[1] != 2:
83 raise ValueError(
84 "Use project_values_on_a_plane() before calling get_values_at_time()!"
85 )
87 for index, time_value in enumerate(self.time_values):
88 if math.isclose(float(time_value), float(time), abs_tol=1e-10):
89 return self.values[:, index]
91 def get_values_at_time_step(self, time_step):
92 """
93 Returns the values at the specified time step.
94 """
95 if self.points.shape[1] != 2:
96 raise ValueError(
97 "Use project_values_on_a_plane() before calling get_values_at_time()!"
98 )
100 if self.data_type == "scalar":
101 return self.values[:, time_step]
102 elif self.data_type == "vector":
103 return self.values[:, time_step * 2 : time_step * 2 + 2]
105 def project_values_on_a_plane(self, plane_normal, plane_x_axis_unit_vector):
106 """ """
108 class unitVector:
109 def __init__(self, u, v, w) -> None:
110 length = math.sqrt(u**2 + v**2 + w**2)
111 self.u = u / length
112 self.v = v / length
113 self.w = w / length
115 def rotate(self, theta, withRespectTo):
116 # Rotate with respect to the withRespectTo vector by theta degrees:
117 #
118 a = withRespectTo.u
119 b = withRespectTo.v
120 c = withRespectTo.w
122 rotationMatrix = np.array(
123 [
124 [
125 math.cos(theta) + a**2 * (1 - math.cos(theta)),
126 a * b * (1 - math.cos(theta)) - c * math.sin(theta),
127 a * c * (1 - math.cos(theta)) + b * math.sin(theta),
128 ],
129 [
130 b * a * (1 - math.cos(theta)) + c * math.sin(theta),
131 math.cos(theta) + b**2 * (1 - math.cos(theta)),
132 b * c * (1 - math.cos(theta)) - a * math.sin(theta),
133 ],
134 [
135 c * a * (1 - math.cos(theta)) - b * math.sin(theta),
136 c * b * (1 - math.cos(theta)) + a * math.sin(theta),
137 math.cos(theta) + c**2 * (1 - math.cos(theta)),
138 ],
139 ]
140 )
141 vector = np.array([[self.u], [self.v], [self.w]])
142 rotatedVector = rotationMatrix @ vector
143 return unitVector(
144 rotatedVector[0][0],
145 rotatedVector[1][0],
146 rotatedVector[2][0],
147 )
149 def __pow__(self, otherUnitVector):
150 # Cross product:
151 u = self.v * otherUnitVector.w - self.w * otherUnitVector.v
152 v = self.w * otherUnitVector.u - self.u * otherUnitVector.w
153 w = self.u * otherUnitVector.v - self.v * otherUnitVector.u
154 return unitVector(u, v, w)
156 def __mul__(self, otherUnitVector) -> float:
157 # Dot product:
158 return (
159 self.u * otherUnitVector.u
160 + self.v * otherUnitVector.v
161 + self.w * otherUnitVector.w
162 )
164 if len(plane_normal) != 3:
165 raise ValueError(
166 "planeNormal for magneticFieldOnCutPlane must be a list of"
167 " three numbers!"
168 )
170 if len(plane_x_axis_unit_vector) != 3:
171 raise ValueError(
172 "planeXAxis for magneticFieldOnCutPlane must be a list of"
173 " three numbers!"
174 )
176 plane_normal = unitVector(plane_normal[0], plane_normal[1], plane_normal[2])
177 plane_x_axis = unitVector(
178 plane_x_axis_unit_vector[0],
179 plane_x_axis_unit_vector[1],
180 plane_x_axis_unit_vector[2],
181 )
183 # Rotate perperndicular vector with respect to the plane's normal vector
184 # by 90 degrees to find the second perpendicular vector:
185 plane_y_axis = plane_x_axis.rotate(math.pi / 2, plane_normal)
187 # Build the transformation matrix to change from the global coordinate
188 # system to the plane's coordinate system:
189 transformationMatrix = np.array(
190 [
191 [plane_x_axis.u, plane_x_axis.v, plane_x_axis.w],
192 [plane_y_axis.u, plane_y_axis.v, plane_y_axis.w],
193 [plane_normal.u, plane_normal.v, plane_normal.w],
194 ]
195 )
196 points = self.points.transpose()
197 new_points = transformationMatrix @ points
198 new_points = new_points.transpose()
199 self.points = new_points[:, 0:2]
201 if self.data_type == "vector":
202 reshaped_values = self.values
203 reshaped_values = reshaped_values.reshape(
204 (len(self.values) * len(self.time_values), 3)
205 )
206 reshaped_values = reshaped_values.transpose()
207 new_values = transformationMatrix @ reshaped_values
208 new_values = new_values.transpose()
209 new_values = new_values[:, 0:2]
210 self.values = new_values.reshape(
211 np.shape(self.values)[0], int(np.shape(self.values)[1] / 3 * 2)
212 )